4 Jun 2009

25 May 2009

No more space

The last of the space was used today. 3/4 of a bed of leeks went in and a few rocket seedlings.

17 May 2009

Filling the gaps


Finishing Touches and edible.

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10 May 2009

Starting to get crops.


We are now starting to crop cabbage, lettuce and herbs. The fruit is all setting.
Time to start on the fruit cage.

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26 Apr 2009


Managed to get the last bed cultivated this weekend.
Also cropped the first cabbage.

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1 Apr 2009

Onion and Garlic


The oninons and Garlic we put in last year are doing well. They've been fleeced up over the wortst of the weather. We've removed it so the weeds can be managed.
The rest of the plot has had a good clean up.

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8 Mar 2009

More work on the raised bed.

I managed a bit more on the new/extended raised bed.

28 Feb 2009

First good days work this year

A good days work. We got the rest of the potato bed manured and dog over.

I opened up last years compost bed, it's fabulous. Good crumbly rich and dark.

I also started to repair and extend on of the raised beds. we don't have any spare soil to fill the beds and definitely did not want to pay for any! Here's my solution.
After digging a trench for the pallet to for the raised beds I dug two foot of top from within the bed. It's wasted at the bottom of the bed. I then fill the bottom half of the bed with rough uncomposted garden material. This then had a layer of newly composting material (several months old. Then a layer of manure and top soil. It was then finished with the good compost made last year.

1 Feb 2009

Started the shed

I had a couple of weeks off over Christmas and managed to started on a new shed or rather a large extension to the existing shed. I was hoping to get it finished for the start of this season but have been very busy for the last month or so. It'll get bits done on it now between the growing stuff. It made from pallets and old fencing. It's sort of evolving organically rather than following a plan.
Jim has been digging the beds and Sandra has been cleaning and weeding so it's all coming along nicely. The winter broad beans have already been planted.